Hey there! I’m Brandon Love (he/she/them)—a creative East Coast native and queer entrepreneur.
I founded my flagship business the Crumble Company in 2015 and made my millionth dollar by age 20. Founder of the Carepreneurs Facebook group and Love Labs Brand House. Love Labs works to invest in LGBTQIA+ & BIPOC owned businesses throughout the midwest.
I specialize in the development of CareBrands—companies associated with a movement or forward thinking strategy—like mental health awareness, racial equity, equality, and women's rights.
A BIllion Dollar Mission. By 2025 we want to have helped create over a million dollars in wealth, per person, for 1,000 queer, black, brown and womxn entrepreneurs.
That’s why I created this course—to help you create and develop a brand that makes millions & makes an impact.